About rita
Rita Wilson is a writer whose work has been published in Rune and Riverspeak Literary Magazines, wolfmatters.org, Voices from the Attic, the 100 Lives Anthology, and Wisdom of the Crone. She published her first book, “Greek Lessons: A Cultural Odyssey,” a biography/memoir. Wilson earned her MFA in Creative Non-Fiction from Carlow University. A retired teacher, Wilson has held writing workshops in both creative and professional writing and has taught adjunct at the university level. She also serves as Non-Fiction Editor for the Northern Appalachia Review and is a Co-Director of the Writing Conference of Northern Appalachia. She has won several awards for her paintings, and her art has been juried into local and national exhibits. Rita was accepted into the Associated Artists of Pittsburgh in 2022.
Her second book, the novel “When the Only Light is the Moon,” was released in May